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CfE Experiences & Outcomes

Mental & Emotional Wellbeing 

I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.

HWB 2-01a / HWB 3-01a / HWB 4-01a


I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and emotions that affect how we feel and behave and I am learning ways of managing them.

HWB 2-02a / HWB 3-02a / HWB 4-02a


I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of ways in which I can gain access to practical and emotional support to help me and others in a range of circumstances.

HWB 2-03a / HWB 3-03a / HWB 4-03a


I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave.

HWB 2-04a / HWB 3-04a / HWB 4-04a


I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.

HWB 2-05a / HWB 3-05a / HWB 4-05a


I understand the importance of mental wellbeing and that this can be fostered and strengthened through personal coping skills and positive relationships. I know that it is not always possible to enjoy good mental health and that if this happens there is support available.

HWB 2-06a / HWB 3-06a / HWB 4-06a


I am learning skills and strategies which will support me in challenging times, particularly in relation to change and loss.

HWB 2-07a / HWB 3-07a / HWB 4-07a


I understand that people can feel alone and can be misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning how to give appropriate support.

HWB 2-08a / HWB 3-08a / HWB 4-08a

Physical wellbeing

I am developing my understanding of the human body and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health.

HWB 2-15a / HWB 3-15a / HWB 4-15a


I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible.

HWB 2-16a / HWB 3-16a / HWB 4-16a


I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and how to respond in a range of emergency situations.

HWB 2-17a / HWB 3-17a / HWB 4-17a


I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely.

HWB 2-18a / HWB 3-18a / HWB 4-18a

Social wellbeing

As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others.

HWB 2-09a / HWB 3-09a / HWB 4-09a


I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.

HWB 2-10a / HWB 3-10a / HWB 4-10a


I make full use of and value the opportunities I am given to improve and manage my learning and, in turn, I can help to encourage learning and confidence in others.

HWB 2-11a / HWB 3-11a / HWB 4-11a


Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society.

HWB 2-12a / HWB 3-12a / HWB 4-12a


Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community.

HWB 2-13a / HWB 3-13a / HWB 4-13a


I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations.

HWB 2-14a / HWB 3-14a / HWB 4-14a

Planning for Choices and Changes

Opportunities to carry out different activities and roles in a variety of settings have enabled me to identify my achievements, skills and areas for development. This will help me to prepare for the next stage in my life and learning.

HWB 2-19a


I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life.

HWB 2-20a

I am developing the skills and attributes which I will need for learning, life and work. I am gaining understanding of the relevance of my current learning to future opportunities. This is helping me to make informed choices about my life and learning.

HWB 3-19a


I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life.

HWB 3-20a

Based on my interests, skills, strengths and preferences, I am supported to make suitable, realistic and informed choices, set manageable goals and plan for my further transitions.

HWB 4-19a

HWB 4-28a


I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life.

 HWB 4-20a

Physical Activity and Health

I can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintain good health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest and physical activity.

HWB 2-27a


I can explain the links between the energy I use while being physically active, the food I eat, and my health and wellbeing.

HWB 2-28a

I can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintain good health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest and physical activity.

HWB 3-27a


I can explain the links between the energy I use while being physically active, the food I eat, and my health and wellbeing.

HWB 3-28a

I have investigated factors which can influence participation in physical activity and food choices, and the impact of activity on population health in the Scottish and wider contexts. I can use this information to discuss policies and inform my own health choices.

HWB 4-28a

Safe and Hygienic Practices

Having learned about cleanliness, hygiene and safety, I can apply these principles to my everyday routines, understanding their importance to health and wellbeing.

HWB 2-33a

I can apply food safety principles when buying, storing, preparing, cooking and consuming food.

HWB 3-33a

Having explored the conditions for bacterial growth, I can use this knowledge to inform my practice and control food safety risks.

HWB 4-33a

Food and the consumer

Through exploration and discussion, I can understand that food practices and preferences are influenced by factors such as food sources, finance, culture and religion.

HWB 2-34a


When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am becoming aware of the journeys which foods make from source to consumer, their seasonality, their local availability and their sustainability.

HWB 1-35a / HWB 2-35a


By investigating food labelling systems, I can begin to understand how to use them to make healthy food choices.

HWB 2-36a


I can understand how advertising and the media are used to influence consumers.

HWB 2-37a


Having explored a range of issues which may affect food choice, I can discuss how this could impact on the individual’s health.

HWB 3-34a


Using my knowledge of nutrition and current healthy eating advice, I can evaluate the information on food packaging, enabling me to make informed choices when preparing and cooking healthy dishes.

HWB 3-36a

Having explored a range of issues which may affect food choice, I can discuss how this could impact on the individual’s health.

HWB 4-34a


Having investigated the effects of food processing on the nutritional value of foods, I can critically assess the place of processed foods in a healthy balanced diet.

HWB 4-35a


I have examined and evaluated food packaging and can understand the legal requirements for manufacturers.

HWB 4-36a


By investigating different influences on the consumer, I can discuss how consumers can be influenced by external sources.

HWB 4-37a


I can explain basic legal rights and responsibilities of the consumer, recognising the agencies that can help.

HWB 4-37b

Substance Misuse

I understand the effect that a range of substances including tobacco and alcohol can have on the body.

HWB 2-38a


I know that popular culture, the media and peer groups as well as my own attitudes and values can influence how I feel about substance use and recognise the impact this may have on my actions.

HWB 2-39a


I know that alcohol and drugs can affect people’s ability to make decisions.

HWB 2-40a


I can identify the different kinds of risks associated with the use and misuse of a range of substances.

HWB 2-41a


I know of actions I can take to help someone in an emergency.

HWB 2-42a


I understand the impact that misuse of substances can have on individuals, their families and friends.

HWB 2-43a



I understand the positive effects that some substances can have on the mind and body but I am also aware of the negative and serious physical, mental, emotional, social and legal consequences of the misuse of substances.

HWB 3-38a


I know that popular culture, the media and peer groups as well as my own attitudes and values can influence how I feel about substance use and recognise the impact this may have on my actions.

HWB 3-39a


I am developing a range of skills which can support decision making about substance use. I can demonstrate strategies for making informed choices to maintain and improve my health and wellbeing and can apply these in situations that may be stressful or challenging, or involve peer pressure.

HWB 3-40


I know how to access information and support for substance-related issues.

HWB 3-40b


After assessing options and the consequences of my decisions, I can identify safe and unsafe behaviours and actions.

HWB 3-41a


I know that the use of alcohol and drugs can affect behaviour and the decisions that people make about relationships and sexual health.

HWB 3-41b


I know the action I should take in the management of incidents and emergencies related to substance misuse.

HWB 3-42


I understand the impact that ongoing misuse of substances can have on a person’s health, future life choices and options.

HWB 3-43a


Through investigating substance misuse in my local community I can reflect on specific issues, and discuss how they are being addressed.

HWB 3-43b

I understand the positive effects that some substances can have on the mind and body but I am also aware of the negative and serious physical, mental, emotional, social and legal consequences of the misuse of substances.

HWB 4-38a


Through investigation, I can explain how images of substance use and misuse can influence people’s behaviour.

HWB 4-39a


I am developing a range of skills which can support decision making about substance use. I can demonstrate strategies for making informed choices to maintain and improve my health and wellbeing and can apply these in situations that may be stressful or challenging, or involve peer pressure.

HWB 4-40a


I know how to access information and support for substance-related issues.

HWB 4-40b


After assessing options and the consequences of my decisions, I can identify safe and unsafe behaviours and actions.

HWB 4-41a


I know that the use of alcohol and drugs can affect behaviour and the decisions that people make about relationships and sexual health.

HWB 4-41b


I know the action I should take in the management of incidents and emergencies related to substance misuse.

HWB 4-42a


I understand the impact that ongoing misuse of substances can have on a person’s health, future life choices and options.

HWB 4-43a


By researching the impact of substance misuse nationally and internationally I can explain similarities and differences among communities.

HWB 4-43b


I understand the local, national and international impact of substance misuse.

HWB 4-43c

Relationships, Sexual Health, and Parenthood

I understand that a wide range of different kinds of friendships and relationships exist.

HWB 2-44a


I am aware that positive friendships and relationships can promote health and the health and wellbeing of others.

HWB 2-44b


I am identifying and practising skills to manage changing relationships and I understand the positive impact this can have on my emotional wellbeing.

HWB 2-45a


I am aware of the need to respect personal space and boundaries and can recognise and respond appropriately to verbal and non-verbal communication.  

HWB 2-45b


I recognise that how my body changes can affect how I feel about myself and how I may behave.

HWB 2-47a


I can describe the physical and emotional changes during puberty, understand why they are taking place and the importance of personal hygiene.

HWB 2-48a


I know that all forms of abuse are wrong and I am developing the skills to keep myself safe and get help if I need it.

HWB 2-49a


I am able to describe how human life begins and how a baby is born.

HWB 2-50a


I can describe the role of a parent/carer and the skills, commitment and qualities the role requires.

HWB 2-51a

I understand the importance of being cared for and caring for others in relationships, and can explain why.

HWB 3-44a


I understand and can demonstrate the qualities and skills required to sustain different types of relationships.

HWB 3-44b


I understand and can explain the importance of, and need for, commitment, trust and respect in loving and sexual relationships. I understand the different contexts of such relationships including marriage.

HWB 3-44c


I recognise that power can exist within relationships and can be used positively as well as negatively.

HWB 3-45a


I am aware of the need to respect personal space and boundaries and can recognise and respond appropriately to verbal and non-verbal communication.  

HWB 3-45b


I reflect on how my attitudes, beliefs, values and morality can influence my decisions about friendships, relationships and sexual behaviour.

HWB 3-46a


I know that popular culture, the media and peer pressure can influence how I feel about myself and the impact this may have on my actions.

HWB 3-46b


I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult.

HWB 3-46c


I understand my own body’s uniqueness, my developing sexuality, and that of others.

HWB 3-47a


Using what I have learned I am able to make informed decisions and choices that promote and protect my own and others’ sexual health and wellbeing.

HWB 3-47b


I know how to access services, information and support if my sexual health and wellbeing is at risk. I am aware of my rights in relation to sexual health including my right to confidentiality, and my responsibilities, including those under the law.

HWB 3-48a


I know how to manage situations concerning my sexual health and wellbeing and am learning to understand what is appropriate sexual behaviour.

HWB 3-49a


I know where to get support and help with situations involving abuse and I understand that there are laws which protect me from different kinds of abuse.

HWB 3-49b


I can explain the importance and the enduring and complex responsibility of being a parent/carer, and the impact on life choices and options.

HWB 3-51a


I can explain the support and care necessary to ensure a child is nurtured through the different stages of childhood.

HWB 3-51b

I understand the importance of being cared for and caring for others in relationships, and can explain why.

HWB 4-44a


I understand and can demonstrate the qualities and skills required to sustain different types of relationships.

HWB 4-44b


I understand and can explain the importance of, and need for, commitment, trust and respect in loving and sexual relationships. I understand the different contexts of such relationships including marriage.

HWB 4-44c


I recognise that power can exist within relationships and can be used positively as well as negatively.

HWB 4-45a


I am aware of the need to respect personal space and boundaries and can recognise and respond appropriately to verbal and non-verbal communication.  

 HWB 4-45b


I reflect on how my attitudes, beliefs, values and morality can influence my decisions about friendships, relationships and sexual behaviour.

HWB 4-46a


I know that popular culture, the media and peer pressure can influence how I feel about myself and the impact this may have on my actions.

HWB 4-46b


I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult.

HWB 4-46c


I understand my own body’s uniqueness, my developing sexuality, and that of others.

HWB 4-47a


Using what I have learned I am able to make informed decisions and choices that promote and protect my own and others’ sexual health and wellbeing.

HWB 4-47b


I know how to access services, information and support if my sexual health and wellbeing is at risk. I am aware of my rights in relation to sexual health including my right to confidentiality, and my responsibilities, including those under the law.

HWB 4-48a


I know how to manage situations concerning my sexual health and wellbeing and am learning to understand what is appropriate sexual behaviour.

HWB 4-49a


I know where to get support and help with situations involving abuse and I understand that there are laws which protect me from different kinds of abuse.

HWB 4-49b


I can explain the importance and the enduring and complex responsibility of being a parent/carer, and the impact on life choices and options.

HWB 4-51a


Through investigation I can explain the support available for parents and carers looking after babies and bringing up children.

HWB 4-51b

Development of beliefs and values

I am developing respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values.    RME 2-07a


I am developing an increasing awareness and understanding of my own beliefs and I put them into action in positive ways.          RME 2-08a


I am increasing my understanding of how people come to have their beliefs, and further developing my awareness that there is a diversity of belief in modern Scotland.

RME 2-09a


I am developing my understanding that people have beliefs and values based upon religious or other positions.

RME 2-09b


I can explain why different people think that values such as honesty, respect and compassion are important, and I show respect for others.

RME 2-09c


I am developing my understanding of how my own and other people’s beliefs and values affect their actions.

RME 2-09d

I am developing respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values.    RME 3-07a


I am developing an increasing awareness and understanding of my own beliefs and I put them into action in positive ways.          RME 3-08a


Through reflection and discussion, I can explain a range of beliefs which people hold and can participate in debates about ‘ultimate questions’.

RME 3-09a


I am developing my own understanding of values such as honesty, respect and compassion and am able to identify how these values might be applied in relation to moral issues.

RME 3-09b


I can explain how the different beliefs that people have, including beliefs which are independent of religion, relate to their moral viewpoints and how this leads them to respond to moral issues.

RME 3-09c


I am developing my understanding of the nature of belief and morality.

RME 3-09d

I am developing respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values.    RME 4-07a


I am developing an increasing awareness and understanding of my own beliefs and I put them into action in positive ways.          RME 4-08a


Having reflected upon and considered a range of beliefs, belief systems and moral viewpoints, I can express reasoned views on how putting these beliefs and values into action might lead to changes in society.

RME 4-09a


I am able to apply my understanding of a range of moral viewpoints, including those which are independent of religion, to specific moral issues and am aware of the diversity of moral viewpoints held in modern Scotland and the wider world.

RME 4-09b


I can explain my own responses to the benefits and challenges presented by the increasing diversity of belief to modern Scotland and the wider world.

RME 4-09c


I am able to offer a basic analysis of the origins and development of beliefs and morality.

RME 4-09d


I can apply philosophical enquiry to explore questions or ethical issues.

RME 4-09e

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